We derive our inspiration, knowledge, and approach from the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada’s focus and consistent message in terms of education was to strike the balance. In his pragmatic and deeply insightful commentary on contemporary life and society, he promoted service to Krishna as the number one priority for mankind.
Srila Prabhupada identified the root cause of frustration and dissatisfaction amongst diverse sectors of society as being directly related to an over-emphasis on materialism. He consistently challenges us to spiritualize our lives and make our every action a devotional offering to the Lord.
It is within this framework we have designed and delivered the Bhakti Club program. The courses are presented with the intention to help realign with Krishna, to ignite our original loving service attitude and to learn to live a peaceful and fulfilling existence free anxiety that, is so prevalent in modern society.
We trust you will take advantage of the Bhakti Club resources for your children and we look forward to assisting you in providing an engaging, exciting and enlightening program for your children in the years to come.