by pranadas108 | Jan 20, 2021 | Demos
Murali Sloka Demo MuralīŚloka Course presents five new ślokas each month categorised according to the five main subjects of the Bhagavad-gītā. After each śloka recitation there are four interactive activities to reinforce the learning. There is also an opportunity to...
by pranadas108 | Jan 19, 2021 | Demos
Vamsi Story Demo Vaṁśī Story Course is recommended for 7 years and above. There are eight different themes throughout the year. Each story is presented with audio and has a comprehension activity as well as a variety of interactive language tasks to help build your...
by pranadas108 | Jan 18, 2021 | Demos
Vamsi Sloka Demo After each śloka recitation there are two interactive activities to reinforce the learning. There is also an opportunity to submit the śloka for...
by pranadas108 | Jan 17, 2021 | Demos
Venu Story Demo Veṇu Story Course is recommended for 5 years and above. There are eight different themes throughout the year. Each story is presented with audio and has a comprehension activity as well as a variety of interactive language tasks to help build your...
by pranadas108 | Jan 16, 2021 | Demos
Venu Sloka Demo VeṇuŚloka Course presents two new ślokas each month from one of the five main subjects of the Bhagavad-gītā. After each śloka recitation there are two interactive activities to reinforce the learning. There is also an opportunity to submit the śloka...