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Muralī Course Demos - Śloka
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The word for God in Sanskrit is Īśvara. Īśvara also means the controller. In the Bhagavad-gītā Krishna is spoken of as the Supreme Godhead or the Supreme Controller.
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Kāla means time. Krishna is considered to be the controller of time. In the Bhagavad-gītā we read about the duration of time of the various ages.
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Prakṛti means nature. Nature is one of Krishna's energies. There are many descriptions in the Bhagavad-gītā about Prakṛti.
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Karma means activities. In the Bhagavad-gītā Krishna teaches Arjuna to perform activities for the pleasure of the Lord. Activities performed for Krishna's satisfaction bring peace and happiness to the devotees.
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The Sanskrit word 'jīva' means living entity. In this material world there are millions of living entities and all of them have free will. Human beings are the topmost living entities because we can reason and choose to serve Krishna.